
Art Arnold

Clark Barrett

Aaron Blaisdell

Dan Blumstein

Rob Boyd

Greg Bryant

Cathleen Cox

Michael Fanselow

Daniel M.T. Fessler

Mark Frye

Patty Gowaty

Greg Grether

William Hamner

Martie Haselton

Joe Manson

Peter Narins

Peter Nonacs

Susan Perry

Barney Schlinger

Joan Silk

Tom Smith

Francis Steen

Blaire Van Valkenburgh

Hartmut Walter

Bob Wayne

Stephanie White

Richard Zimmer


Animal Behavior @ UCLA

The Nobel Prize winning ethologist, Nikko Tinbergen, identified four logically distinct questions about a biological phenomenon: What is its function? What is its evolutionary history? How does it work? How does it develop? Contemporary animal behavior research recognizes that exciting advances can be made with integrative studies that combine multiple levels of analysis. At UCLA, we are engaged in a number of interdisciplinary studies designed to explain the diversity of behavior.

We combine observational and manipulative experiments on amphibians, birds, insects, fish, and mammals (including humans) throughout the world to study causation and function. We use theoretical models and comparative techniques to search for evolutionary principles and trends. The group includes those interested in applying evolutionary principles to understand human behavior, as well as those interested in the wider application of animal behavior to help conserve threatened and endangered species.

UCLA is an outstanding place for graduate study in animal behavior because of our interdepartmental strengths. Colloquia and seminar series cultivate communication between students and faculty. For instance, a diversity of departmental seminars, and the multi-disciplinary Marschak Colloquium bring world-renowned researchers to campus, while the Behavior, Evolution and Culture brown bag lunch group is just a one example of on-going interdisciplinary meetings on campus.

Follow the links on the left to take a virtual tour of our labs and learn more about our reseach. Degrees are offered through the Department of Anthropology, the Department of Communication Studies, the Department of Geography, the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, the Department of Psychology, or the the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology.

Feel free to contact us for more information about graduate and postdoctoral opportunities or sabbatical visits.


Last updated:29 April 11